Welcome to the University of Nottingham-British Geological Survey Centre for Environmental Geochemistry
What is The Centre For Environmental Geochemistry?

The Centre for Environmental Geochemistry combines the University of Nottingham's and the British Geological Survey's strengths, focussing on the use of geochemistry in research, training and teaching around reconstructing past environmental and climate change, biogeochemical cycling including pollution typing/provenance, science based archaeology, and the use of geochemical tools for research into the subsurface. The Centre's research will focus on building established collaborations between the University and BGS (across Departments, Schools and Faculties). The Centre is focussed around three laboratories in BGS but others are involved: theStable Isotope Facility (part of the NERC Isotope Geosciences Facilities, governed by BGS) led by Professor Melanie Leng; the Inorganic Geochemistry Facility led by Dr Michael Watts and the Watts and the Organic Geochemistry Facility led by Dr Christopher Vane. The main areas within the university are the School of Biosciences, the School of Geography, the Department of Archaeology, and the Faculty of Engineering.